Have a healthy holiday

Tis the season to overindulge. What starts with an extra dollop of gravy at Thanksgiving can turn into extra weight by the time you ring in the new year. In fact, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that most Americans will pack on at least a pound between Thanksgiving and New Years. That may not sound like much, but the study also found that extra weight never comes off.

Want to keep the pounds off this holiday season? We've picked out eight holiday nutrition disasters you and your family should avoid—plus, pulled together healthier options you should eat instead.

Cheese straws
How bad can these cheesy nibbles be? Pretty bad. You may think they're a safer bet than cheese and crackers, but in actuality these snacks are made from a block of cheddar cheese combined with flour and up to a cup of butter. Not exactly the recipe for diet success. You're better off snacking on pretzels, popcorn, or even a few chips with salsa.

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